Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-2011"

Stories, questions, lies about the one that got away....

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Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-2011"

#1 Post by Nephew » Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:04 pm

I'm a lucky bloke, really. I have a great lifestyle based on Bowhunting, a couple of beautiful girls in my life (wife and daughter...NOT what you were thinking, you dirty hound!) and mates good enough to invite me to join them on an annual trip to try our luck on the boars and billies out Cunnamulla way. What more could you want from life?

I had stayed in Toowoomba at my cousin Dave's place the night before (and wasn't he pleased to see me off for a week chasing boars while he had to work? Poor Bugger!) so's to make sure I would be in Dalby in time to meet up with “The Boys". Jeff Challacombe, who, being the bowyer behind Gidgee & Stickbow Traditions longbows, plus his contributions to our chosen lifestyle through countless “how to" articles in various publications, needs no introduction to anyone who loves Trad bowhunting, Rod Bagnall- the maker of the famous and much coveted Gringa longbows & general all 'round good bloke, plus one other man I had never met before, Keith Forrester- once the provider of high quality Victorian Ash shafts to a large percentage of those that love Trad gear and still the maker of precision equipment like the V.A. spine gauge & tapering machines. Quite an impressive group...God only knows what I was doing in this collection of keen (long)bowhunting legends! I've never made anything more than a mess!

We met up at the Dalby branch of McDonalds, Jeff introduced me to Keith, we grab a quick feed, or as close as you could get to food, considering the establishment we were in, then head on out to Ol' Spear Chuckers (Darren Amos, a larrikin of a man if ever I've met one, with an easy laugh and always a joke at hand, just waiting for the right opportunity to use it. He's also a very accomplished hunter, as his trophy wall will attest. If you get the chance, watch “Another Boaring Week" and you'll get an idea of just how long Chuckers been flingin' arras! He's also lucky enough to share his life with Letitia, his wife. Heed my advice, if “Tish" offers you her home-made fudge, take it!) so I can leave my, clearly NOT bush worthy, car behind and travel on in Jeff's Land Cruiser. We lost an hour at Chucks but gained a good yarn and laugh, and even better, fudge and bikkies from Tish! I tried to convince Darren to join us, but it wasn't to be. The Capitalist system required his presence more than we did, apparently!

So, many hours and conversations later we arrive back at the place on Earth I love the most- our Cunnamulla hunting grounds. She looked a bit drier than last year and this encouraged us-at least the game will have to come in for water, so this might just tip the balance of chance in our favour. After Keith cooked us all a nice meal we headed of to bed, pictures of grassed boars dancing in our heads.

Next morning, Rod and I elect to try out a cane grass swamp first, and although we didn't do any good, we had a chance to catch up on gossip, news and scuttlebutt as we only see each other once a year, on these trips.
A great shot of the swamp taken by Ol' Rod
A great shot of the swamp taken by Ol' Rod
Cane Grass Swamp.jpg (207.65 KiB) Viewed 4597 times
After we traverse the (dry) swamp we took to the timber and happened upon some young billies-nothing trophy worthy but we did need a roast as Rods birthday was coming up on the Wednesday and I was damned if it was going to pass unnoticed or uncelebrated. Rod was gracious enough to offer 'em to me, so away I went. I could embellish here and tell you how many times I was nearly busted and just how difficult a stalk it was, but the truth is the young silly billy wasn't very much concerned with vigilance or checking his surroundings and it was pretty easy to slip one in...except I fluffed the shot and hit him in the neck instead of the crease behind his shoulder I was aiming at! No worries though, he went down quick. YOU BEAUTY! First game grassed, and it's not even midday yet! Skun him (Rod had to show me how), took his back legs for Rods birthday dinner and we were on our way again.
The young billy whose meat became Rod's Birthday roast!!!
The young billy whose meat became Rod's Birthday roast!!!
Meat Goat 1.jpg (230.95 KiB) Viewed 4597 times
Taking the skin and meat
Taking the skin and meat
Meat Goat 2.jpg (228.77 KiB) Viewed 4597 times
Jeff was pleased to see our result once we met up with him on the fence line a few K's from our starting point and we decided it was time for a cuppa (and a smoke. Here's a tip- NO-ONE SMOKES ANY MORE and if you like a peaceful life, you had best give 'em up because folk will quite happily provide the advice to do so loud, and often, trust me!)
Back at the Cruiser with the skin and meat
Back at the Cruiser with the skin and meat
Meat Goat 3.jpg (223.47 KiB) Viewed 4597 times
The Big Fella tucks into his Birthday Roast!
The Big Fella tucks into his Birthday Roast!
Rod's Birthday Roast.jpg (152.7 KiB) Viewed 4596 times
Roddy got onto a billy that day, too, but that's his tale to tell, should he choose to.
Rod's young billy
Rod's young billy
Rod's Billy.jpg (271.82 KiB) Viewed 4597 times
That arvo we went down to a lake we had been to last year to see how the pigs were going...and they were going very well indeed! I saw more feral pigs close up that day than I had ever seen before, and that turned out to be a quiet day for 'em, later that week we saw many more!

Anyway, Rod and I were having a good look around when we came upon a nice, fit young boar out rooting around on the plain. Once again, the Big Fella was good to me and said “He's yours matey, go on" so I did. Now, I'm not silly enough to think it was anything to do with my skill or stealth or anything was by pure luck alone that I found myself close enough to take a shot with confidence that it would drop him...and it did. Honesty compels me to tell you that I fluffed another shot, but got him right in the Jugular anyway! Ever gone from elation to terror in 2 seconds? I have! It was right after the arrow hit him...he spun around, squealed even louder than my daughter can, and took off...right at me! “OH CRIPES,WHAT HAVE I DONE??!!!" My legs were in action long before my brain registered what was going on and I reckon I had taken about five long, running strides before a voice (which sounded just like my long dead & much loved old dad, for some mad reason!) yelled in my head “STOP RUNNIN' YA GIRL! RODS WATCHING!!" so I stopped, took out another arrow, lined up...and dry fired!! What a comedy of errors! It must have been hilarious to witness! Anyway, old mate boar wasn't even after me, in fact I don't think he even saw me in his panic to get away from whatever it was in his neck! He piled up and broke off the arrow, then got up, legs straining to gain traction in the dirt, and bolted for some bushes. I thought we had lost him, but Keith, who had watched the whole thing unbeknownst to me, pointed to him and said “He's here, Craig, come and finish him!", I admit to being City born and bred and I gotta tell ya, I wasn't keen on going anywhere near him while he was still drawing breath! The ethics of trad bowhunting require a quick kill, though, so I had to manage the fear and get in and kill him. A follow up arra and he's gone for good, I'm pumped and everyone is crowding around slapping me on the back, shaking my hand and telling me “That's a bloody good Boar, mate, you should be proud of y'self!" I didn't know how to tell them how it only happened because the Gods of Bowhunting took pity on me so I just accepted the accolades and went with it!
Stalking the pig on the left (three in the photo)
Stalking the pig on the left (three in the photo)
Stalk 1.jpg (150.62 KiB) Viewed 4597 times
Getting closer
Getting closer
Stalk 2.jpg (148.34 KiB) Viewed 4597 times
The shot!!!
The shot!!!
Stalk 3.jpg (139.08 KiB) Viewed 4597 times
Once Jeff got there (he'd been away dealing with his own pig) he was beaming as only Jeff can, and of course, insisted on good photos for posterities sake. I posed for I don't know how many before I realised I didn't have my false teeth in, so said “Hold on" and got 'em out of my pocket (I'd taken them out earlier - I was in the bush, what did I need false teeth for? No girls to meet out there, mate, might as well take 'em out and relax, yeah?) whack 'em in, and experienced the unique flavour of Goat Blood from the earlier billy! I don't know how it got on them, but, MAN ALIVE, I could do without that taste, believe me! As my daughter, Jasmine, would say- EEEWWW!!
Ah well, not much I could do so I just endured it until Ol' Stickbow was satisfied with his pictorial record and then spat 'em out and went ahead removing his jaw. I learned how to from “Another Boaring Week", Thanks Chuck! Jeff helped and supervised though. It would have been a bit messy without him to be honest.
What a set of teeth - the pigs that is!
What a set of teeth - the pigs that is!
Craig's Boar.jpg (214.01 KiB) Viewed 4597 times

Ok, that's gonna have to do ya's for now...but stay tuned, in a couple of days I shall pass down the “Legend of the Cave Boar"...a tale of courage and bravery that all kiddies should hear at least once. Aint that right, Jeff & Rod?
Last edited by Nephew on Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:46 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#2 Post by jcm » Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:48 pm

Good One Craig.
Looking forward to some more

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#3 Post by bigbob » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:14 pm

Great stuff Craig!That grin says it all! 8) 8) 8)
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#4 Post by longbow steve » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:29 pm

Well done Craig, thats a good looking Boar. Funny story too :D looking forward to the rest. Steve

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#5 Post by Keith Lee » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:37 pm

Good one Craig first boar look happy. :lol:

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#6 Post by Stickbow Hunter » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:15 pm

It was great to see that smile Craig!!! :D I like your choice in camo too mate. 8)

You took some great photos there Rod; they always add to a story IMO. Please notice the horizons are now straight - lookin' good! :wink: :lol:


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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#7 Post by g_r » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:23 pm

Now thats how to spin a yarn! Great adventure mate, thx for sharing.
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#8 Post by Nephew » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:29 pm

Thanks fellas, our Rod is quite a good photographer, hey? :D Onya mate, wouldn't be the same without the pics to illustrate it
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#9 Post by blu-dog » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:53 pm

Thanks for taking the time to write this up for us Craig - sounds like a cracker of a trip so far!!! The skin on that young billy looks fantastic... would make a great back quiver.

As others have already said, congratulations on your first boar.

Now we sit in anticipation for more installments/perspectives of this epic hunting saga!!!
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#10 Post by stickbow » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:58 pm

Well done! Thats a good first boar! :mrgreen:

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#11 Post by perry » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:20 pm

Good on ya Craig-pleased to read you and the other Fella's had a top Trip, you cracked me with your honesty telling of your first Charge ???????, the dry fire :oops: Congrats on your first Boar, the tale will grow as the years pass. As for your Camo, most of us hunted in the 70's and 80's in Jeans and a Flanno no worries.

Your false teeth story :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: CLASSIC !!!!!!

How did the Sheath go ????

regards Jacko
Last edited by perry on Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#12 Post by Nephew » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:24 pm

The sheath did it's job commendably, thanks Perry. Mate, I'm convinced that the Challacombe style camo works as good as any...flanno and jeans from now on I reckon. :D
If you think reading about the (mistaken) charge was funny, you should have seen it! I reckon Rod would have got a good chuckle out of it! :lol:
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#13 Post by Gringa Bows » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:39 pm

yes it was a bit funny Craig,you sprinting one way and the pig another. :D .........but he was a good pig :wink:

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#14 Post by hazard » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:51 pm

Moreton wrote:Honesty compels me to tell you that I fluffed another shot, but got him right in the Jugular anyway! Ever gone from elation to terror in 2 seconds? I have! It was right after the arrow hit him...he spun around, squealed even louder than my daughter can, and took off...right at me! “OH CRIPES,WHAT HAVE I DONE??!!!” My legs were in action long before my brain registered what was going on and I reckon I had taken about five long, running strides before a voice (which sounded just like my long dead & much loved old dad, for some mad reason!) yelled in my head “STOP RUNNIN' YA GIRL! RODS WATCHING!!” so I stopped, took out another arrow, lined up...and dry fired!! What a comedy of errors! It must have been hilarious to witness!

Craig, the picture I have in my mind from this I must say I will be laughing for a week :lol: :lol: :lol:

but after this one man I will be laughing for a month! :mrgreen:
Moreton wrote: posed for I don't know how many before I realised I didn't have my false teeth in, so said “Hold on” and got 'em out of my pocket (I'd taken them out earlier-I was in the bush, what did I need false teeth for? No girls to meet out there, mate, might as well take 'em out and relax, yeah?) whack 'em in, and experienced the unique flavour of Goat Blood from the earlier billy! I don't know how it got on them, but, MAN ALIVE, I could do without that taste, believe me! As my daughter, Jasmine, would say- EEEWWW!!
Great Pickies mate and an extremely entertaining story, you have a gift!

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#15 Post by Benny Nganabbarru » Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:23 pm

Fan-tuddy-blastic! :D
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#16 Post by prasamaccus » Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:45 pm

Great read and pics, thanks.

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#17 Post by Guy Layton » Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:18 pm

Top story so far mate....! It’s great to hear an honest account of what went on.... most would have skipped the dry fired part of the story... :lol:

Can’t wait to hear the rest.... :mrgreen:

Cheers Guy
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#18 Post by Jeffro » Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:08 pm

Well done mate and great story to go with it.Gee it looks like a dry place up there but those pigs in the grass photos are tops and so are the rest of them.
Nice camera work rod how did the goat leg taste?
Got shown by the farmer where we go how to rip off a goat leg in about 10 seconds flat.
No more hanging them up from now on ill show ya when we get that trip happening :D
Seeing those pigs in the grass like that feeding makes me want to get back out there I can tell ya,I bet you had the heart going :D
talk soon

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#19 Post by Gringa Bows » Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:18 pm

Thanks Jeffro,the roast tasted great :wink:

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#20 Post by Dodger » Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:41 pm

Well penned and beautiful photographs. Particularly like the first one.
Many thanks and l look forward to part deux.
P.S.: And well bloody done as well!

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#21 Post by piggy » Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:50 pm

What a great trip!!! Moreton well done on a ripper boar, you had me in stitches when you had to put your teeth back in for the photo.

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#22 Post by Nephew » Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:03 am

LB rod 55 wrote:Thanks Jeffro,the roast tasted great :wink:
I'm sincerely very bloody happy you liked it Rod! I brought the other leg home and cooked it for the girls ( slit all over and inserted with garlic & rosemary, then smeared with honey and mint. 5 hours at 100*c, covered with alfoil, with a cup of water in the baking pan to tenderise it a bit-then served on Lebanese bread with hommus, tahini, cucumber, tomato and lettuce...See? I really tried to make it suitable to their City palettes!) and although they did their best to hide it, I could tell the girls were not overly impressed at all! In fact, Sharon went and had a little "evacuation" episode! :shock: :lol:

I think I may have to find some other goat recipes before I try that one on again! :wink: :lol:

Thanks for all the kind comments, Fellas! :D
Blu, I was thinking the same thing about the skin and covering a quiver with it. "Great minds think alike", and all that... :wink: :D

Chuck, it'd be worth gettin' fat for that fudge matey! Sharons bloody good at cooking too, but I still wouldn't mind sending her out to watch & learn from Tish for a week! (Ooops, just got a clip across the ear! Sorry, sweetheart! :wink: :lol: )

Guy, I thought it best to expose my inadequacies now, that way I take the wind out of the sails of any attempt at payback for the forthcoming "Cave Boar" tale ( hear THAT, Jeff & Rod?? :lol: )!

Jeffro, Yeah mate, we must talk soon. I'm dead keen to try out those mountain boars out Texas way now, Bud!! I'm interested in your goat leg removal method, too mate! :D

Haz- Laugh it up while ya can, ya b'stard! You wait 'till we get together for a hunt...I hope, for your sake, you don't have false teeth, ol' mate! :twisted: :wink: :lol:

To everyone else, thanks so much. I get a real kick out of you blokes enjoying my mad scribbling! You fellas have made my week!! :D :D
Last edited by Nephew on Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#23 Post by Tommo » Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:54 am

Good one Craig! 8)

Very keen to read more.

Hope the cave boar story has Jeff and Rod doing some flanny clad, rockin dance moves or did they have to cuddle? :lol:

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#24 Post by rodlonq » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:23 am

Great story Craig, very entertaining :lol: and good huntin' too :mrgreen: . Looking forward to the sequel.

Cheers, Rod

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#25 Post by bear74 » Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:55 pm

Great write up morten, sounds like a ripper trip!

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#26 Post by wal » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:21 am

Keeewl as the youngun's say :D

Great write up mate, looking forward to more when you get time.


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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#27 Post by TomMcDonald » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:03 am

Great stuff guys.

Y'all look like you should be members of the Hell's Angels or something :)

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#28 Post by jindydiver » Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:31 pm

Great boar, glad you went with the teeth in shot :lol:

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#29 Post by Gringa Bows » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:10 pm

No Tony no pics of me in PJ's,but i could send you some if ya want :mrgreen:

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Re: Here ya's go-The first chapter of "Hunting Cunnamulla-20

#30 Post by NORTHOZ » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:24 pm

Mmm,Rod in a teddy :shock: :shock:

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